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Disclaimer: I love Disney.  I grew up in a Disney family.  I have an annual pass, despite living 1,300 miles from Orlando.  My son went to Disney twice before his 2nd birthday.  When it comes to a Disney vacation, I have done it all, seen it all, and made every mistake.  I don’t hide my passion for Disney, but I also understand that not all dads share that same passion. 

I know dads who would do anything other than go on a family trip to Disney.  I know dads who are just as excited about a family Disney trip as I am.  And I know dad’s in the middle, who aren’t against a family vacation, but don’t have the experience or knowledge of Disney or the Parks to participate as much as they would like to.

The internet is flush with advice from and for “Disney Moms”.  Message boards, blogs, podcasts, all geared towards Moms planning their family vacation and dragging dad along kicking and screaming.  But where is that site for the Disney Dads, both the willing and unwilling.  This website is geared towards advice, tips, tricks, and information for dads.  Think blogs like, “Where to watch the game in every Disney Park and Hotel”, “Best rides and shows for a quick nap with AC”, and “Beers through Disney”. And for the dads looking to be more involved, entire planning sections focused on beginner, intermediate, and advanced level Disney vacation planning.

In the end, you need to arrive at one simple truth: whether you like it or not, you’re going.  You can fight it and be miserable.  But if you instead choose to embrace it, I promise you WILL enjoy yourself and make magical memories.  After all, Walt never intended his parks to be just for children, but for the child in us all.

 “Why do we have to grow up? I know more adults who have the children’s approach to life. They’re people who don’t give a hang what the Jones’ do. You see them at Disneyland every time you go there. They are not afraid to be delighted with simple pleasures, and they have a degree of contentment with what life has brought” – Walt Disney

Note: Please be patient as I work to build out this website.  I am just getting started, but expect to make significant progress each week towards building a great community.

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